
China-aid Training


来源:援外培训项目执行处   类型:原创    撰稿:金玲  编辑:王阳 发布时间:2023-08-07 10:46


商务部国际商务官员研修学院,英文名称为Academy for International Business Officials, MOFCOM,缩写为AIBO。学院被大家亲切地简称为“爱博学院”,并被赋予了中国传统文化的内涵:爱及天下,博学古今。如今,来自泰国青年企业家商会的泰德博士(Dr. Tad HATCHALEELAHA)将在华研修期间的所思所获,浓缩为四个英文单词,完美诠释了爱博学院所传递的独特价值观。






A-Admiration: We have been deeply moved by the harmony and peaceful culture reflected in the philosophy of life. Nature's beauty, symbolized by the highly polished flower arrangements in AIBO and Beijing, inspires us to keep an open mind and embrace the pursuit of knowledge.

I-Inspire: AIBO has shown us the significance of connecting the dots with our international friends, fostering a harmonious global community. It reminds us of the importance of harmony within ourselves, between people, and between people and nature.

B-Better: Through this experience, we have gained a better understanding of the path towards peaceful development in trade and society. We firmly believe that the international community should unite and collaborate to safeguard world peace and promote common development.

O-Organized: The historical structures we witnessed during our visit have left us in awe of the Chinese craftsmanship. Some temples still stand without nails or cement, a testament to their remarkable organizational skills and ingenuity.

